Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I hate grocery shopping!

No matter how hard I try and prepare my self for the dreaded trip to the grocery store, it never goes as smoothly as I would like. I am by no means one of those "extreme couponers" that spends 6 hours preparing for a trip to the store, but I was proud of myself. I woke up this morning got onto the computer, looked at the ads, loaded the store coupons onto my Kroger card and printed out my list. My plan was to get breakfast in the kids and get to the store as early as possible, so I could make it home before morning nap time for Julia. Maybe grab myself some Starbucks. I was hopeful for a quick and stressless trip. I even made it out of the house before 8. After getting to the store, Daniel picked out his "red car" cart, which I thoroughly wiped down with sanitizing wipes. The kids strapped in and list in hand I started down the first isle. Grab what I need and and get out as fast as I can. Piece of cake, right? NO. It was then that the stress started to set in. Julia didn't last long in the "car". She wanted Dan's steering wheel, which he was not okay with. So she was quickly placed up front with mommy. Please tell me I am not the only one who can't handle grocery shopping with two kids? I know there are many women who do it with no problems, but this is not me.  My mom had 10 children. How in the world did she stay sane? I seriously have no patience when it comes to this specific outing...everything gets to me. I am not really sure why, but maybe it is the constant "mommy....mommy....mommy....mommy..." from my three year old as I am trying to remember everything I need. Add to this a very busy 10 month old who is eating everything I put in the cart, including my coupons and list. After tasting something she chucks it out of the cart, along with my wallet. Then add in her ear piercing screech as she protests being strapped into the cart. She would much rather be crawling all over the dirty floor and reeking havoc. This is when I start speed shopping. Never good. I forgot the tomato sauce that I needed for dinner tonight. Guess I will be making a trip to the neighbors. Then to top it all off there is the anticipation over what the financial damage is going to be, which usually more than you were hoping for. Which was definitely the case today. My $10 off my purchase coupon would have been nice, but it got thrown out of the cart somewhere along the way.  Needless to say, I made it threw the experience a little stressed but overall unscathed. I however can not say the same for the bananas and the hot dogs. They bear the marks of tiny razor sharp teeth.
 It is so easy for me to become overwhelmed at these crazy times in my life, but I need to remember Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Even something as simple as getting groceries. I need to learn to give every situation over to God. When I get worked up it only makes things worse and I am sure my cries and protests sound like ear piercing screeches to my Heavenly Father. First step is realization right?  He has blessed me with so much and I am so thankful for the wonderful children he has given me. Being a mother is not an easy job, but it is so rewarding.  I pray everyday for patience with my children, and that God has patience with me as well, as I try and teach them to follow Him. I am learning. Since getting home I have had a few more moments, but lunch is in the kids and it is now one of this momma's favorite parts of the day, NAPTIME! Maybe I will enjoy a shower, some coffee (never did get my Starbucks), and some much needed quiet time in the Word.
On a sidenote: Next time I get baby fever, I should make a trip to the grocery store. After this morning, Daniel is not helping his chances of getting that baby brother he has been asking for.

Here is just a little taste of my day in pictures:
Daniel removed his drawer...Julia thought it looked like a good place to explore

Until she realized she couldn't get out.

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