A year and a half ago we loaded up all our belongings and moved halfway across the country from Kansas to Alabama to start our life as a new family. We bought our first home and shortly after moving found out we were expecting an addition to our family. Our life is crazy but God always sees us through!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Child like faith
Iam continually amazed and humored by the mind of my 3 year old. Children have such a different outlook on the world around them. They look at things simply for what they are and don't complicate things, like we adults are guilty of doing. I have a list of some of the hilarious things my son has thought up. One of my favorite being when he was 2. He called my deodorant, "armpit butter". Totally makes sense! :) The other day I told him we were going to the store to get his Grammie a get well card to make her feel better. On the way home he came down with a bad case of the hiccups. He looked at me and said mom we should get a "go away" card. I was confused at first and responded with, "Do you mean a get well card?". He responded back with, "No a go away card for my hiccups, so they will go away."
He has some pretty deep thoughts for a 3 year old. Lately he has been particularly interested in death and what happens to us when we die. When he was 17 months old my grandmother and his "Great" passed away. He has never forgotten about her and to this day still talks about her and can recognize her in a picture. When he asked to see her the first time after her passing, I carefully explained that we can't see Great and that she doesn't live in her house anymore. I have always been open with the subject of death, because it is a part of life and nothing I feel like he needs to be sheltered from. I explained that when we get old then our bodies don't work anymore and that we die. She went to heaven to live with Jesus. I thought this answer should suffice, but it only brought up further questioning. "How do we get to heaven?" I was not prepared for this and I struggled with how I share salvation so that he could understand. I explained that we all do bad things called sin and that God can not be around sin. A long time ago God sent his son, baby Jesus, to earth. When baby Jesus grew up and got big like daddy, there were some bad men that didn't like him. They hurt him and killed him. Before I could explain further, he jumped into protect Jesus, just like Spiderman would. He told me that he would kill those bad guys. I explained that it is bad to kill people and that Spiderman didn't kill the bad guys. He instead decided that he would tie them up with webs and shoot webs in their faces. This satisfied him.
I continued on and told him that Jesus died on the cross to forgive all the bad things we do and that when we believe in Him we get to go to heaven when we die. This topic of conversation has been an ongoing one and we have delved deeper into what heaven is like. He has now come to the conclusion that when we get to heaven we get "super bodies" just like super heros. He can't wait to get his super body and often talks about going to heaven to see Jesus and Great someday. Not sure he completely understands though. We were driving by the Space Center one day and they have a great big rocket with blinking lights. He exclaimed, "Mom! That rocket is about to take off, I need to get on it and go see Jesus and Grandma Great!"
This weekend we were talking about dinosaurs and he said he wanted to see a real live dinosaur. When I told him that there were no more dinosaurs, he wanted to know how all of the dinosaurs died...putting me on the spot again! :) I told him that nobody really knows, but that some people think that they died after the flood, when Noah built the big boat and put all the animals on it. I was then bombarded with more death questions. "Mom, how will we die?" I explained that we don't know that, but some people die when they are old and their bodies don't work anymore, just like Grandma Great, but that sometimes people can die when they are younger too, like in a car accident. After pondering this for a second he said, "Sometimes good guys get shot and killed." We talked about how this was true but very sad. He then asked, "Mom, do babies die?" I shared that his cousins Tori and Jackson had a baby brother named Zeke that died after he came out of aunt Jessica's tummy. It was very sad, but that he got to go to heaven and be with Jesus. He responded with, "Baby Zeke is a super baby in heaven now." Man I love that kid! I can just imagine the picture in his little mind, Baby Zeke flying around heaven in his cape!
My discussions with Daniel have caused me to have some questions of my own. Why do I not have faith like my son? Why do I continue to question God? Why do I worry about earthly things that have no eternal value? Yesterday we tried out another church. The sermon was on the importance of the cross. The pastor shared a verse that really spoke to me, "Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.” Matthew 16:23. How many times have I let Satan get in the way of God and his work in my life? I desire a child like faith like that of my son.
Luke 18:16-17 says,
"But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”
One final picture of the faith on my son. He has recently decided that he would like a baby brother. While driving in the car a couple weeks ago, Daniel told me, "When I get bigger I will play with my baby brother." When I said you don't have a baby brother, he simply said, "Well I will ask God in heaven for one." Should I be concerned?
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